From finishing high school having been emancipated from a dysfunctional home at age 16, to speaking to thousands upon thousands of teenagers as part of his Value Up program, Mike understands youth and their relationship struggles with adults, both teachers and parents. He did a fantastic job of sharing with students about their intrinsic value and that their value doesn't diminish because of what others think or even mistakes made. His analogy was to that of a gold bar: melt it if you will, but when it returns to solid form, it's still gold and it's worth hasn't been altered.
Mike began the day with our high school students and junior high in separate assemblies. Then he worked with a small group of identified leaders before sharing with our faculty after lunch. Then, in the evening, he shared with a small group of parents who showed up to hear him, too. In each group, there were nuggets unique to the audience, as well as some common take-aways that are good for all.
In the weeks to come, we'll share more from Mike through our social media channels. In addition, students will receive an electronic copy of Mike's book, Value Up. Additionally, I've sent parents an email from Mike with an invitation to his podcast and his book, both entitled Talking to Brick Walls.