Routinely as a principal, I encourage staff to try new things, to take risks, leaning on the phrase, "It will either work or we'll fix it." And while it's so easy to continue doing what we're doing, partly because change means more work for a period of time and partly because we've invested in what and how we do things, it's always good to take a look forward and consider if there's a better way, a more efficient way. And so it is with the Friday Focus.
This is the first of a handful of experimental issues for our bi-weekly communication with students, staff, parents, and patrons, utilizing a new software that's integrated with our messaging system. We'll give it a shot and see if it's more efficient than what we've been using for the past three years. According to the developers, this should be more accessible via phones and tablets than the pdf versions of the past. Let me know what you think after you've had a couple of issues to experience the new Focus format.